Photobooth is a utility for joining multiple photos together into a single image for easy sharing online. You can import photos from the gallery or capture new pictures directly from the camera to create a custom photostrip in just seconds.
You can easily change the layout, order, and output size and share to Twitter, Flickr, Google+, or Facebook in just a few clicks.
What Photobooth DOES
- Choose from vertical or horizontal layouts (more coming soon)
- Order photos by ASC, DESC, or random
- Export photostrip in S, M, or L size (XL coming soon)
- Share to your other favorite apps with the power of intents
- Looks damn sexy
What Photobooth DOES NOT do
- Add styles, filters, or effects
- Add silly stickers and captions
- Host your images online (all sharing is handled by 3rd party apps)
More info:
Google Play
Name: Photobooth ID
Developer: ClarkLab
Versi: 1.1
Ukuran: 426 KB
Kategori: Fotografi
Membutuhkan Android: 1.6+
Download: *pilih salah satu
Apa yang di Mod:
- Berbahasa Indonesia
- Nama ditambahkan kata "ID"
- Versi yang diubah
- Font Baru "Little Bird"
- Nama Paket diubah
jika kalian sudah mempunyai aplikasi aslinya, tenang saja, aplikasi ini tidak akan menimpa aplikasi asli karena nama paket dari aplikasi tersebut sudah diubah. dengan kata lain kalian bisa memasangnya tanpa menimpa dan bisa digunakan secara bersamaan.
Mod by: Inuzukari71
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